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Is Six Days Enough to Create a New Year's Resolution?

Laura Rodriguez

The past few months flew by with the blink of an eye!

Did they not, warrior?!

One thing I kept hearing from my clients was how exhausted and busy they were in December. As a mom, a personal chef and a caterer, it's definitely my busiest month of the year as well so I completely relate!

I honestly can't even believe we're just days away from a whole new year!

And that got me the six days in between Christmas and New Year's enough time to decide what you want for yourself for the whole year ahead?!

Maybe instead of rushing to figure out what you want for yourself in 2023 THIS week, you could take the entire month of January to:

-Rest and recover from the hustle and bustle of the holidays

-Replenish your immune system and listen to your body

-Give yourself grace and take time to ponder what 2023 may have in store for you

What do you think warrior?

Rest up in January and meet back in February with our resolutions?!

Comment below your New Year's resolutions if you're ready to kickstart 2023 in a couple days or share this post if you'd like to take the month of January to decide.




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2021 Chef Laura Rodriguez, Mulberry Ridge, LLC.

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