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  • Take the guess-work out of how to eat anti-inflammatory to manage the symptoms of autoimmunity
  • Take a few to-dos off your never-ending list of things to do
  • Put delicious, comforting, healing meals your whole family will love on the dinner table in minutes!
Download my FREE "Quick Family-Friendly Dinners" Meal Plan* below to get started!!

*All recipes are free of gluten/dairy/sugar/corn/soy/peanuts. Vegan substitution suggestions included.
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This free meal plan will teach you to:

-Cook anti-inflammatory versions of some of your favorite comfort foods


-Shop Flare Free


-Cook once and eat for days


-Embrace your love of food (Healing from within doesn't have to be all kale salads and green smoothies!)

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  • 8 quick-cooking family-friendly dinner recipes

  • Pictures

  • Color-coded shopping lists so you can shop per recipe if needed

  • Weekly prep lists so you can cook once and eat for days (great for the busiest of autoimmune warriors!)

  • Vegan substitution suggestions

  • Brand suggestions when necessary​

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In 2015, I reversed a handful of diet and lifestyle related conditions by embracing an anti-inflammatory diet and lifestyle. But I wasn't willing to sacrifice my career and passion for food along the way.

Hi There, I'm Laura!

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