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Flare Free Summer Meal Prep Boot Camp (June 9-12)

Private·3 members


Summer is coming! Your kids will be out of school and you'll be making more meals, traveling, staying up late, going to family parties, enjoying time outdoors...ALL THE THINGS.

And you can't do it with EASE and JOY if you're suffering with debilitating fatigue, joint pain, brain fog, migraines, rashes, and all the other symptoms chronic inflammation can exacerbate for autoimmune warriors.

Join us for a 4 Day Meal Prep Boot Camp (we'll make breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert!) so you can see in real time how meal prep makes staying consistent a breeze and how eating anti-inflammatory can set you up for a Flare Free summer!


FRI June 9th @ 6 PM: - 20 Minute Live Virtual Training: "Why Having a Plan is Important + Hacks to Simplify Your Meal Prep Days"

SAT June 10th @ 2 PM - 20 Minute Live Virtual Demonstration: "How to Package + Reheat Your Meals Like a Pro and Flare Free Shopping Tips"

(You will shop for your groceries this day)

SUN June 11th @ 2 PM - Live Virtual Meal Prep Cooking Class (2 hour cook-along)

MENU: Breakfast Bowls, Teriyaki Stir Fry Lettuce Cups, Italian Chicken Sausage Sheet Tray Meal with Salad and Chocolate Cherry Protein Bites

(Grocery list + live cooking/packaging instruction provided. All meals are x4)

MON June 12th @ 6 PM - 20 Minute Live Virtual Training: "How to Write a Meal Plan and Tips for Getting the Whole Family on Board with Eating Flare Free"

(A bonus printable blank meal plan will be sent to all present in the live training)

MON June 12th @ 6:20 PM - Bonus 20 Minute Live Virtual Training: "Tips for Staying Consistent" and Live Q + A

NOTE: A free bonus "picky eaters" meal plan will be sent to all folks present for this bonus training


Chicken Tenders + Sweet Potato Wedges

Hidden Veggie Spaghetti + Meatballs

Taco Bell Style Ground Beef Tacos

Pizzadillas (pizza flavored quesadillas)

Chicken + Black Bean Enchiladas

NOTE: Prizes only available for folks who show up to the live trainings. Recipes not included.


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  • May 20, 2023


  • Laura Rodriguez

    Created by

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2021 Chef Laura Rodriguez, Mulberry Ridge, LLC.

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